Advice Webhosting

Why Should I Have a Blog on My Website?

Here in Orange County, professionals interested in SEO and the Google algorithm might spend days discovering new ways to raise the ranking of websites. They can use analytics tools and carefully examine how visitors use their websites. There is nothing unusual about analyzing a website to determine where it might be made better, but doing so can also drive you completely insane. Your website should be set up as simply as possible, focusing on an intuitive user experience, simple navigation, and targeted content. Now let’s move on to the blog, a simple yet valuable function that should always go along with any Orange County web design.

So why should you have a blog, anyway? Well, it allows you to discuss topics relevant to your brand. Any good web design company in Anaheim should be able to utilize social media as a marketing technique. It’s not an area where you can easily feature an essay you wrote about a subject related to your niche, though. Sound bites and brief bullet points that express more comprehensive thoughts belong on social media. Your blog is where you may write more in-depth on niche-related subjects that interest you and, presumably, your readership. They should therefore form the basis of your SEO approach. You can establish your competence there. You can include more in-depth content in your blog; if it’s interesting enough, both Google and your readers will find it.

You’re not the only one who feels that creating and updating your website with monthly blogs takes too much time, if that’s your main argument. Google prefers blogs with 2,000 words or more, but it might be challenging to produce those regularly. However, since you most likely work with an SEO firm, you can add this to their to-do list. If they are currently managing your social media and website optimization, there is no reason they should be unable to create any blogs for you.

Together, brainstorm a list of subjects, and ask them to create at least one new blog post for you each week. They ought to prioritize quality over quantity. It won’t be beneficial if you publish fresh posts every day, but they will be if they are poorly written and appear hurried. When your blogs go live, they should all be popular and should be a significant event. You’re doing well if your blogs inspire the reader, make them laugh, or resolve a pressing issue they grapple with. Web design companies in Irvine will hire experienced copywriters to ensure that all of these blog topics are interesting ones.

One of the things an Internet marketing company will likely do if you engage them and instruct them to concentrate on your blog is written longer, more in-depth content. You may have heard that blogs should be brief and to the point. Although people enjoy a quick read, longer blogs—between 1,800 and 2,000 words—seem to get the most excellent attention these days. However, we must add the qualification that this only holds if the topics your firm writes about are directly related to your company’s niche interests. 

Sounds interesting? Then get in touch with a professional Orange County web design company like Drive Traffic Media today! Our expert copywriters can help you run a successful blog that will climb you through the ranks!



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